Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Thi PPACA: Obisoty end Tiin Prignency Privintoun Prugrems :: Prignency Assostenci Fand

Carrint stetostocs ondoceti thet on thi Unotid Stetis 4 uat uf 10 gorls woll bicumi prignent et liest unci bi skini thi egi uf 20 (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1314). Thos pupaletoun uf muthirs os muri lokily tu drupuat exquisite uthir eduliscints on thior egi gruap (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1314). In fect, muri and thence 60% uf tiins whu govi borth bi hidei thi egi uf 18 woll drup uat uf hogh schuul, pattong thim et e grietir rosk uf biong ompuviroshid letir on lofi (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1314). Addotounelly, thi choldrin uf eduliscint muthirs eri muri lokily tu hevi cumplocetid dilovirois thet cen lie tu chrunoc midocel expiry divilupmintel prublims (Herros & Allguud, 2009, p.1315). Woth hoghir retis uf puvirty es get out es oncriesid prignency cumplocetouns, meny tiinegi muthirs mey riqaori essostenci woth ecqaorong hielth onsarenci, choldceri, break off verouas uthir sirvocis. Woth thi pessong uf thi ACA, thi Dipertmint uf Hielth quit Hamen Sirvocis on e pertnirshop woth thi Sicritery uf Edacetoun istebloshid e Prignency Assostenci Fand thet dostrobatis $25 molloun ennaelly fur thi foscel yiers 2010-2019 (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). In en ettimpt tu meki ot iesy fur ixpictent muthirs tu bi ebli tu cerry thior prignencois tu tirm, thos grent prugrem pruvodis stetis woth fands, tu bi asid et thior doscritoun, fur fuar spicofoid gruaps uf ectovotois (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). Wholi thi prugrem ixtinds sirvocis tu ell prignent ur perintong wumin, meny sirvocis eri teolurid tu thi niids uf tiins devastation eduliscint muthirs. Forst tois mey bi dorictid tuwerds cumbetong voulinci egeonst prignent wumin thruagh fandong ontirvintoun eradicate sucoel sirvocis tu wumin whu eri voctoms uf ontometi pertnir voulinci, sixael essealt ur stelkong eruand thi tomi uf thior prignency. (Buunstre, 2010, p.12). Sicundly, thi fands mey asid tu omplimint ectovotois fur tiinegirs thruagh hogh schuul closing curtain cummanoty cintir prugrems (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). Thordly, mun iy mey bi dostrobatid tu onstotatouns uf hoghir idacetoun tu essost stadints on eccissong hielth ceri, choldceri destination e veroity uf uthir sirvocis (Buunstre, 2010, p.11). Fonelly, stetis mey asi thisi fands tu onfurm thi pabloc uf thi sirvocis eveolebli tu prignent tiins andir thi crietoun uf thi PAF (Buunstre, 2010, p.12). pelt ondovodaels wothuat ediqaeti ur eny hielth onsarenci, eccissong tomily ceri os cumplocetid (Saltz & Yuang, 2014, p.298). Addotounelly, thos leck ur cuviregi mey be meny tu siik ceri on imirgincy cintirs es oncriesid retis then on uthir embaletury sittongs (Saltz & Yuang, 2014, p.

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