Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Strategic Management Unit 4 DB SA Final Week Essay

Strategic Management Unit 4 DB SA Final Week - Essay Example These laws are not different to those in the US because eventually, it is all about environmental conservation and the end goal is to protect our surroundings. Environmentally, the numerous vehicles produced by the firm poses a great danger to the environment because once in the roads, the vehicle produce emissions in gasses form to the surrounding causing air pollution. These deplete the environment through acid rains and ozone layer destruction. The commitment made by General Motors Company to conserve the environment through waste and pollutants reduction, recycling, conservation and educating the public on way to support environmental conservation is a great move (KPMG, 2010). Despite that decision by the US government to increase fuel efficiency and reduce vehicle emissions, GM is still surviving well because this move only led to demand of vehicles that have less environmental effects. The aim of the government to reduce air pollution was achieved by the move. Despite the controversial nature of the bailout in 2008, it promoted the advancement of the auto industry through development of energy-efficient vehicles. Critically, these problems are used as spark agents that ignite a change in the process of offering solutions. KPMG. (2010). The transformation of the automotive industry: the environmental regulation effect. https://www.kpmg.com/US/en/IssuesAndInsights/ArticlesPublications/Documents/transformation-automotive-industry.pdf . Internet

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